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Spontaneous stabilization of Symptomatic Schisis Detachment

“We present a patient with sequential bilateral schisis detachments, each of which was symptomatic at onset but which settled spontaneously.” “This is the first report...

“We present a patient with sequential bilateral schisis detachments, each of which was symptomatic at onset but which settled spontaneously.”

“This is the first report of symptomatic schisis detachments that settled without surgery. We agree with Byer2,3 that the appropriate management for non-progressive schisis detachments is ‘to do nothing,’ ”

Durnian, J & Pollock W & McLeod D
Br J Ophthalmol. 2004 May; 88(5): 722–723.
doi: 10.1136/bjo.2003.029876
Spontaneous stabilization of symptomatic schisis detachments
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